Security glass sliding partitions
There are also special sensors that respond to the sound of breaking glass and its vibration from impact. They will warn immediately if your glass sliding partitions have been destroyed. Installing them is especially important if your house has a sliding glass door or window in an area with low traffic, such as a basement. Otherwise, you can detect unauthorized entry only after some time.
Metal screw or washer
Inserting them in the upper part of the partition box or in the guide rail itself will help prevent unauthorized removal of the partition. The screw or washer acts like a cork, preventing the glass panel from being raised above a predetermined height.
Appropriate tools guarantee the use of partitions without the risk of breaking. Check your glass sliding partitions every night before going to bed to make sure that all sensors are active and the dowel rods are in place!
Check out our selection in the “glass sliding partitions” section.
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